Outlet Combination ensures proper delivery of fabric from stenter frame
- Separate drives will be provided for easy synchronisation and maintenance free work
- Cooling cylinders with diameter 570 mm and 650 mm can be provided as per requirement with rotary joint
- In Plaiter maximum lap length possible is 1500 mm
- In Small Batcher maximum diameter possible is 500 mm
- In Surface Winder maximum diameter possible is 1800 mm & 2000 mm
- In Center Winder maximum diameter possible is 2000 mm
- Antistatic Device for both Plaiter & Batcher will be provided
- Selvedge Displacement Assembly for Surface Winder will be provided
Outlet Combination with Plaiter& Batcher
Outlet Combination with 2 Cooling Cylinders, Brushing Unit, J-SCRAY, Inspection Table, Plaiter& Batcher
Outlet Combination with Plaiter, Small Batcher & Center Winder
Outlet Combination with Special Small Batcher & Surface Winder